Pretoria Attorneys Association | Pretoria Prokureursvereniging | Mokgatlho Wa Baemedi Ba Pretoria

Who We Are

The Pretoria Attorneys Association (“PAA”) has been a leading protector of Attorneys since 1946.

Since the Law Societies were disbanded, the Voluntary Associations are the only institutions that exist exclusively for the prosperity and continued existence of our noble profession.  In a time of unprecedented attacks on the work previously undertaken by attorneys and reserved for attorneys, we need a “Union” or Guardian that safeguards our interests, free from influence by outside parties.

The PAA has safeguarded the legal profession and ensured that our members may practice in an environment commensurate with the years of study and financial sacrifices they endured to become members of this esteemed profession.  The PAA has done this by regular formal interaction with court officials, deeds offices, municipalities, Masters Offices, Government Ministries, CIPC and the like at the highest levels.  The PAA has not always agreed with these institutions and, where necessary, the PAA has obtained Legal Opinions, submitted formal correspondence, communicated with the Press and even litigated to protect our Members.

The PAA is here for YOU, the Attorney or Candidate Attorney.  Membership is free for candidate attorneys.

PAA Attorneys

Court Rolls Calendar

(Click on the link above to view the court rolls calendar).

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