Judicial Case Management Meeting Roll Van Der Schyff 17 March 2022
Admissions Outcomes Roll Collis J and Phahlamohlaka AJ 22 March 2022
2022-03-22Civil Trial Admissions Roll Collis J and Phahlamohlaka AJ 22 March 2022

Message from the Registrar to Honourable Madam Justice Collis |
Good Day All, The hearing for Admissions will commence at 08h30 using Microsoft Teams. The application should be downloaded and the below link utilize to join the hearing. Please join the hearing 15 minutes before your matter will be dealt with for me to admit you to the hearing. Please also ensure that your application and draft orders where applicable are uploaded onto Caselines for the court to consider. Please also mute your microphone and camera when your matter is not as yet dealt with. Kindly ensure that you are robed for the hearing. Further take note, that in compliance with paragraph 170 of the Consolidated Practice Directive dated 18 September 2020 that : (a) The Counsel moving the matter must furnish on Caselines an affidavit that he or she has examined the original documents relating to the degrees conferred on the candidate for admission and verifies that they appear to be authentic. (b) This affidavit should be uploaded onto Caselines by no later than 12:00 on Sunday, 20 March 2022. (c) The applicant’s attorney is also to upload a compliance declaration onto Caselines platform. (d) A failure to comply fully with these requirements may result in the application being postponed sine die. (e) The Clerk of Judge Collis will call the roll and administer the oath or affirmation to the applicant who is to be admitted. (f) The applicant and his legal representative is also requested to remain in attendance until the application has been dealt with and the applicant has been congratulated on his/her admission. Kind Regards |
Ms. N.F. Mafokwane Registrar to Honourable Madam Justice Collis Gauteng Division Pretoria Office: 5.8 / 5th Floor Tel No: 012 492 6749 Cell: 071 144 4938 Email: FMafokwane@judiciary.org.za/ fridahmafokwane@gmail.com |
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