Tshwane Central Magistrate’s Court Motion Roll 2022-08-01 to 2022-08-05
Trial Interlocutory Roll before Nyathi J, Baloyi-Mere AJ 2022-08-10 to 2022-08-10
Tshwane Central Magistrate’s Court Motion Roll 2022-08-01 to 2022-08-05
Trial Interlocutory Roll before Nyathi J, Baloyi-Mere AJ 2022-08-10 to 2022-08-10

Directive: Unopposed Motions Roll before Baloyi-Mere J, Manamela AJ Ndlokovane AJ 2022-08-03 to 2022-08-03

Message from Secretary to Baloyi-Mere AJ

Good day,

Please take note of the following:

1. Unopposed Motions (1, 3 & 5 August 2022) before Acting Judge Baloyi-Mere will be proceeding via MS Teams (link below for Wednesday 3 August 2022). A new link will be used for Friday.

2. A complete Practice Note, stating the nature of the application for the date on which the application is on the roll, should be filed on Caselines and not emailed to Me S Gillissen. Also include the name and contact details of the counsel (tel nr and email address).

3. In all applications where heads of argument must be filed, it should be uploaded onto case lines and not emailed to the Judge’s Secretary.

4. A proper and complete Draft Order, indicating the date and particulars of the Judge, (using MS Word enabling variation thereof) must be filed on Caselines for the court to consider. 5. Please ensure that you have a proper and stable internet connection, that you are visible and audible before the proceedings start.


Sonya Gillissen
Secretary to Baloyi-Mere AJ
Tel.: 012- 492 6772 / 079 400 1963
Email: sgillissen90@gmail.com