Press Release: Issuing of Clearance Figures
2018-06-28Law Firm Boot Camp – Business Strategies for a Winning Practice
2018-07-12Road Accident Benefit Scheme (RABS) – Public Consultations
The Parliamentary Committee on Transport accepted a motion in favour of the desirability of the current RABS Bill, which essentially brings RABS one step closer to replacing the Road Accident Fund.
Now, more than ever members who have an interest in Road Accident Fund work, and who will be affected by changes, are urged to attend the public consultations, which will be held by members of the Parliamentary Committee on Transport, across the provinces over the next few months.
According to a schedule which has been circulated, the public consultation session will take place on 24 or 25 July 2018, at a venue in Mamelodi, from 10h00 – 13h00.
As soon as the venue has been confirmed, or further detail becomes available same will be communicated to members.
The PAA urges and advises members to make an effort to attend these meetings and add their voices, as this might very well be the final opportunity for the public to have their say and influence the outcome.