ProBono.Org Legal Clinics for 2020
Urgent Directive in respect of the Response to COVID-19 CCMA 2020-03-17
ProBono.Org Legal Clinics for 2020
Urgent Directive in respect of the Response to COVID-19 CCMA 2020-03-17

GAA Open Letter to LPC re LPC Subscription Fees

Complaints from the profession regarding high LPC subscription fees

The Gauteng Attorneys’ Association (GAA) has written an open letter to the Legal Practice Council over the current 2020 fees. The letter can be viewed below.

The GAA is also collating views of practitioners (attorneys and advocates) with a short survey on the topic. If you are an attorney or advocate please take a few minutes to have your say on this very important issue! Please scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the button to complete the survey.