CIPC Notice to Customers – Notice 1 of 2018
2018-01-23Registrar of Deeds Pretoria – Registrar Circular 1 of 2018
2018-02-15Business Requirements for the Electronic Deeds Registration System (e-DRS)
The office of the Chief Registrar of Deeds is currently performing the 1st phase in the development of an Electronic Deeds Registration System (e-DRS) which entails, amongst others, the gathering of information in respect of the business requirements of the e-DRS.
In a letter dated 9 February 2018 from the Chief Registrar of Deeds to The Law Society of South Africa (LSSA), the Chief Registrar’s Office extended an invitation to the Chairpersons of all Provincial Law Societies and their members to give input in the business requirements for the e-DRS. The Chief Registrar’s Office made a template indicating the different steps in the business requirement process available for completion.
A copy of the letter referred to above and the business requirements template for the e-DRS are available for download below.
The completed template must be returned to Mr Jabu Hlatshwayo of the Chief Registrar’s Office at e-mail address: by latest 14 February 2018.