Notice from DJP R Sutherland to the Legal Profession and all Stakeholders in the High Court, Johannesburg - Lead Times Bulletin Dated 31 August 2024...
Notice re Applications brought on notice of motion against the Road Accident Fund in respect of matters being handled by the Johannesburg Region of the Road Accident Fund ...
Urgent revision to the Judge President's Consolidated Directive ('Revised - 18 September 2020 Consolidated Directive in Re Court Operations in The Pretoria and Johannesburg High Courts during the extended Covid-19 National Disaster') dated 11 June 2021...
Urgent notice for the attention of all attorneys and advocates regarding any and all matters before the Honourable Judge Fabricius at the Pretoria High Court …
Urgent notice for the attention of all attorneys and advocates regarding any and all matters before the Honourable Judge Fabricius at the Pretoria High Court …
Kindly be advised that the issuing of certificate of trial readiness in respect of RAF matters, both merits and quantum has been temporarily suspended until further notice.